FCC Releases Notice of Inquiry Regarding Competition in the Delivery of Video Programming

Doyle, Barlow & Mazard PLLC

On October 12, the FCC released a Notice of Inquiry for its Annual Assessment of the Status of Competition in the Market for the Delivery of Video Programming, as required by Congress. The Notice of Inquiry, which seeks comment and information on competition in the video programming market, is designed to assist the FCC with its annual Video Competition Report.
In the annual Video Competition Report, the FCC expects to report on changes in the competitive environment over the last year. The Notice seeks information that will allow the FCC to evaluate the status of competition in the video marketplace, changes in the market since the 2005 Video Competition Report, prospects for new entrants, factors that have facilitated or impeded competition, and the effect these factors are having on consumers’ access to video programming.

The Notice solicits comment and information on video programming distributors, including cable systems, direct broadcast satellite services, large home satellite dish providers, broadband service providers, private cable operators, also called satellite master antenna television systems, open video systems, wireless cable systems using frequencies in the broadband radio and educational broadband services, local exchange carrier systems, utility-operated systems, commercial mobile radio services and other wireless providers, and over-the-air broadcast television stations. In addition, the FCC seeks information on video programming distributed over the Internet and via Internet Protocol networks, as well as that disseminated through home video sales and rentals.

For more information contact:

Olev Jaakson at ojaakson@dbmlawgroup.com.

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