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Articles Posted in FTC Consumer Protection Highlights

FTC Asks Court to Shut Down Illegal Pyramid Operation
Doyle, Barlow & Mazard PLLC

On June 12, the FTC asked the court to halt the deceptive practices and misrepresentations and to freeze the BurnLounge’s assets, pending a trial, to preserve them for consumer redress. On June 6, 2007, the FTC filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California against BurnLounge, Inc. The complaint…

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FTC Testifies on Government Agencies’ Collection and Use of Personal Information and Identity Theft
Doyle, Barlow & Mazard PLLC

On May 31, the FTC asserts that public agencies can help reduce the incidence and impact of identity theft. The FTC, in a discussion with the Ohio Privacy and Public Records Access Study Committee in Columbus, also affirms that government agencies should limit the amount of information they collect, restrict access to the information, and…

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FTC Recovers $160,000 for Franchisees Who Bought Web Services Businesses
Doyle, Barlow & Mazard PLLC

On May 15, the FTC banned Elliot Krasnow from ever promoting or selling franchises or business opportunities ever again. Along with his company Netvertise, Inc, Krasnow returned $160,000 to consumers after the FTC charged that they used bogus earnings claims to lure franchisees into buying their Web services businesses, and failed to tell customers that…

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Repeat Offender Permanently Banned from Telemarketing, Selling Business Programs
Doyle, Barlow & Mazard PLLC

On May 8, the FTC banned a scammer from telemarketing and from selling any type of business program in the future. Richard C. Neiswonger, who boasted that consumers could earn a six-figure income if they purchased and used his $10,000 asset protection service business program, had previously been previously charged with falsely claiming that consumers…

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FTC Settles Two Complaints Charging Rebate-Fulfillment Violations
Doyle, Barlow & Mazard PLLC

On April 27, the FTC settled charges against two companies for unfair and deceptive rebate practices. The FTC’s complaint against Soyo, Inc., a Nevada corporation, alleges that most of Soyo’s rebates were delivered late – in some cases, consumers had to wait a year or longer for their checks to arrive. The FTC’s complaint against…

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FTC Identifies Additional Group of ChoicePoint Identity Theft Victims Who May Qualify for Redress
Doyle, Barlow & Mazard PLLC

On April 24, the FTC mailed out an additional 1,500 claim forms for reimbursement to consumers who may have been victims of identity theft due to alleged security lapses at data broker ChoicePoint, Inc. In December, 2006, the FTC mailed claim forms to 1,400 consumers. In 2005, ChoicePoint, which compiles and sells personal information, announced…

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Kmart Settles With FTC Over Gift Card Sales Practices
Doyle, Barlow & Mazard PLLC

On March 12, Kmart Corporation agreed to settle FTC’s charges that it engaged in deceptive practices in advertising and selling its Kmart gift card. Kmart will implement a refund program and publicize it on its Web site. This is the agency’s first law enforcement action involving gift cards. According to the FTC’s complaint, Kmart promoted…

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Programmer Gives Up All The Money He Made Distributing Spyware
Doyle, Barlow & Mazard PLLC

On February 28, Nicholas C. Albert, an affiliate Webmaster who used the allure of “free” music downloads to spread malicious computer code, is settling FTC charges he violated federal law. The defendant, who was paid to distribute the code by the company that developed it, will give up all of his ill-gotten gains and is…

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FTC Stops Credit Card Rate Reduction Scam
Doyle, Barlow & Mazard PLLC

On February 2, a Canadian telemarketer that falsely claimed it could reduce U.S. consumers’ credit card rates, was stopped by a federal court. The FTC’s complaint alleges that the defendants have sold credit card interest rate reduction services since December 2005, claiming affiliation with consumers’ credit card companies. The defendants promise to effect credit card…

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FTC Sues Payment Processor That Took Millions From Consumers’ Bank Accounts Without Their Knowledge
Doyle, Barlow & Mazard PLLC

On January 8th, a payment processor violated federal law when it debited, or tried to debit, more than $9.9 million from consumers’ bank accounts – at $139 each – without their approval. According to a complaint the FTC filed in federal court, Nevada-based InterBill Ltd. acted on behalf of a fraudulent enterprise known as “”…

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